EXPERIENCES for Companies, Clubs & Families
Artist Michelle Bird invites you to engage in a powerful artistic journey conducive to profound self expression that promotes and hones collaborative and team building skills.
Enhancing rapport, trust and confidence are just some of the beneficial outcomes of these group experiences.
This process aims to transform merit based activities and remove competitiveness from the field of art and creativity.
Our emphasis is on group process and creating conditions conducive to self expression and catharsis.
Your Creativity
Your Creativity
Optimal conditions have been established in my art studio for you to ignite your creative self.
You will be guided through a variety of tactile and tonal experiences. This playful environment is designed for you to access your flow state of mind.
On this playing field one follows their intuition, sees opportunities, and together a unique work of art is created. A new and extraordinary memory now exists between you and your group.
This cathartic process evokes a wide range of expression and heightens perception by limiting our senses. Exercising our imagination and expanding our creative realm is paramount in this experience.
The aim of this workshop is to accelerate creative expression and growth within groups.
Whether you are a team of employees, on a family reunion, or a club looking for an activity to strengthen communication, this experience is a stepping stone to forging bonds and honing your imagination.
“My blindfolded painting experience was an eye opener for me!.”
"It showed me how far I was from my creative core and really helped me to let go of my “perfectionist syndrome” and to dig back in to my flow of creativity. To flow with the music and not to think of the next stroke was a relieving feeling. Being blindfolded was the key to hear my inner voice and follow my intuition. Definitely worth it.”
— Signy Oskarsdottir, Creatrix EHF

“The weekend of blind painting was brilliant!.”
"Never having done this before, it was weird, intriguing, great fun and certainly opened up my painting technique and I have become a braver painter as a result. Michelle is warm and friendly and made sure we explored new ground and learnt an incredible amount, not only about our own painting styles, but some of our perceptions as well. "
— Katie Knight , Freelance Writing

“it’s fun, mind opening and gives your creativity a boost..”
“Ég mæli með námskeiðinu blind painting hjá Michelle Bird, það er skemmtilegt, opnar hugann og eykur sköpunarþrána. Michelle er hlý, opin og góður leiðbeinandi. Það er einkennilega frelsandi að mála án þess að hafa fulla stjórn á umhverfi eða útkomu og ég lauk námskeiðinu full af eldmóði og nýjum hugmyndum. "
— Steinunn Steinars, Gallery Grásteinn

"Amazing fun experience to help you express your inner creative child."
— Spencer Leu, Aloha Watches

Ég mæli hiklaust með workshop-inu hjá Michelle! Hún hefur svo góða nærveru að maður verður endur-nærður og uppfullur af innblæstri. Hún minnir mann á hvað það er mikilvægt að skapa og gera það sem manni finnst skemmtilegt í lífinu.
—Urður Egilsdóttir