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Lean into courage

Do you dream of living and leading in line with your values, being your authentic self and developing wholeheartedness? We welcome you to a workshop where you will learn to lean into courage, practice vulnerability and let go of cool and always in control. 


Our work is based on empirical research on brave leadership by Dr. Brené Brown, who is a research professor at the University of Houston where she holds the Huffington Foundation – Brené Brown Endowed Chair at The Graduate College of Social Work. She is the author of five #1 New York Times bestsellers including Dare to Lead.


The results of a seven-year study by Brené Brown on courageous leaders, reveal that daring leadership is a collection of four skill sets. And the good news is that these skills are both teachable, observable, and measurable! Courage is not innate. You can actually learn it and practice it!





In this workshop you will learn the skills, practices, and tools that underpin the four empirically-proven skill sets of courage. To take with you home and into your brave new life and leadership. 


The foundational skill set of courage-building is “rumbling with vulnerability.” Our ability to be daring leaders will never be greater than our capacity for vulnerability.


Once we have built the skills to Navigate Vulnerability, facing risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure with courage and clarity, we move on to the other three skill sets of daring leadership: Living and Leading with Values, by identifying, operationalizing, and practicing the beliefs that we hold most important (our true authentic self); Braving and Building Trust, creating and deepening connections in relationships and teams; Learning to Rise from Setbacksand growing from failures and disappointments. When we are brave with our lives, we WILL fall, so it’s important to practice how to stand up again.




This workshop is an opportunity to learn and practice courage skills with a community of others devoted to changing the world of work. This is a highly interactive class with full group discussions, silent reflections, active exercises, small group discussions, and videos. 




The world is desperate for braver leaders and it’s time for all of us to step up! 


Are your willing to take off the armor and put yourself out there? We invite you to dig in, dive deep and cultivate courage.

Courage Creativity Iceland Hópefli og skemmtunfyrir fyrirtæki, fjölskyldur og saumaklúbba

Saeunnargata 12

310 Borgarnes, Iceland

612 3933



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